Display Duplicati beta command line help

Duplicati v2.0.2.1_beta Part 2/4

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help azure

Azure blob (azure):
 This backend can read and write data to Azure blob storage.  Allowed formats
 are: "azure://bucketname"
 Supported options:
  --azure_account_name (String): The storage account name
    The Azure storage account name which can be obtained by clicking the
    "Manage Access Keys" button on the storage account dashboard
  --azure_access_key (Password): The access key
    The Azure access key which can be obtained by clicking the "Manage Access
    Keys" button on the storage account dashboard
  --azure_blob_container_name (String): The name of the storage container
    All files will be written to the container specified
  --auth-password (Password): Supplies the password used to connect to the
    The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_PASSWORD".
  --auth-username (String): Supplies the username used to connect to the
    The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_USERNAME".

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help b2

B2 Cloud Storage (b2):
 This backend can read and write data to the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage.
 Allowed formats are: "b2://bucketname/prefix"
 Supported options:
  --b2-accountid (String): The "B2 Cloud Storage Account ID"
    The "B2 Cloud Storage Account ID" can be obtained after logging into your
    Backblaze account, this can also be supplied through the "auth-username"
    * aliases: --auth-password
  --b2-applicationkey (Password): The "B2 Cloud Storage Application Key" can
    be obtained after logging into your Backblaze account, this can also be
    supplied through the "auth-password" property
    The "B2 Cloud Storage Application Key"
    * aliases: --auth-username
  --auth-password (Password): Supplies the password used to connect to the
    The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_PASSWORD".
  --auth-username (String): Supplies the username used to connect to the
    The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_USERNAME".
  --b2-create-bucket-type (String): The bucket type used when creating a
    By default, a private bucket is created. Use this option to set the bucket
    type. Refer to the B2 documentation for allowed types
    * default value: allPrivate

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help backup

Usage: backup <storage-URL> "<source-path>" [<options>]

  Makes a backup of <source-path> and stores it in <storage-URL>. The format
  for <storage-URL> is
  Multiple source paths can be specified if they are separated by a space.

  <username> must not contain : and <password> must not contain @. If they do,
  specify username and password using --auth-username and --auth-password, or
  url-encode them.

    The password that is required to authenticate with the server the backup
    is stored on.
    The username that is required to authenticate with the server the backup
    is stored on.
    Use this to make an unencrypted backup.
    This is the passphrase that is used to encrypt all data before it is
    uploaded. If an empty passphrase is specified, the backup will not be
    encrypted. This is the same as using --no-encryption.
    Replaces the default "duplicati" with <string> in the file names of the
    backup files. It is required to specify different prefixes if multiple
    backups are stored in the same target folder.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help box

Box.com (box):
 This backend can read and write data to Box.com. Supported format is
 Supported options:
  --authid (Password): The authorization code
    The authorization token retrieved from
  --box-delete-from-trash (Boolean): Force delete files
    After deleting a file, it may end up in the trash folder where it will be
    deleted after a grace period. Use this command to force immediate removal
    of delete files.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help changelog

Show the last changes to Duplicati
  Duplicati updates automatically when a newer version is available. The
  following command will show a list of versions and changes.

  "Duplicati.CommandLine.exe" changelog

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help check-mono-ssl

Check for SSL certificates (check-mono-ssl):
 When running with Mono, this module will check if any certificates are
 installed and suggest installing them otherwise
 Module is loaded automatically, use --disable-module to prevent this

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help cloudfiles

Rackspace CloudFiles (cloudfiles):
 Supports connections to the CloudFiles backend. Allowed formats is
 Supported options:
  --auth-password (Password): Supplies the password used to connect to the
    The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_PASSWORD".
  --auth-username (String): Supplies the username used to connect to the
    The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_USERNAME".
  --cloudfiles-username (String): Supplies the username used to authenticate
    with CloudFiles
    Supplies the username used to authenticate with CloudFiles.
    * aliases: --auth-username
  --cloudfiles-accesskey (Password): Supplies the access key used to connect
    to the server
    Supplies the API Access Key used to authenticate with CloudFiles.
    * aliases: --auth-password
  --cloudfiles-uk-account (Boolean): Use a UK account
    Duplicati will assume that the credentials given are for a US account, use
    this option if the account is a UK based account. Note that this is
    equivalent to setting
  --cloudfiles-authentication-url (String): Provide another authentication URL
    CloudFiles use different servers for authentication based on where the
    account resides, use this option to set an alternate authentication URL.
    This option overrides --cloudfiles-uk-account.
    * default value: https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/auth

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help compression

Duplicati offers various options for the used compression and encryption

  --encryption-module = aes, gpg
    The encryption module that is used to encrypt backups. Default is aes.
  --compression-module = zip, 7z
    The compression module that is used. Default is zip.
  --enable-module = console-password-input, mssql-options, hyperv-options,
    http-options, sendhttp, sendmail, runscript, sendxmpp, check-mono-ssl
    Enable a built-in generic module that is not enabled by default
  --disable-module = console-password-input, mssql-options, hyperv-options,
    http-options, sendhttp, sendmail, runscript, sendxmpp, check-mono-ssl
    Disable a built-in generic module that is enabled by default
    Supply a passphrase that Duplicati will use to encrypt the backup volumes,
    making them unreadable without the passphrase. This variable can also be
    supplied through the environment variable PASSPHRASE.
  --no-encryption = false
    If you store the backups on a local disk, and prefer that they are kept
    unencrypted, you can turn of encryption completely by using this switch.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help console-password-input

Password prompt (console-password-input):
 This module will ask the user for an encryption password on the command line
 unless encryption is disabled or the password is supplied by other means
 Module is loaded automatically, use --disable-module to prevent this

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help create-report

Usage: create-report <storage-URL> <output-file> [<options>]

  Analyses the backup and prepares a report with anonymous information. This
  report can be sent to the developers for a better analysis in case
  something went wrong.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help date

Duplicati supports absolute and relative dates and times:

  now --> The current time

  1234567890 --> A timestamp, seconds since 1970.

  "2009-03-26T08:30:00+01:00" --> An absolute date and time. You can also use
  the local date and time format of your system like e.g. "01-14-2000" or "01
  jan. 2004".

  Y, M, D, W, h, m, s --> Relative date and time: year, month, day, week,
  hour, minute, second. Example: 2M10D5h is now + 2 months + 10 days + 5

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help debug

Duplicati provides information for debugging and logging purposes. By default,
all debugging and logging is turned off.

    Error messages are more verbose.
    If something needs to be retried (e.g. upload failed) this will cause an
    entry in the log file.
  --log-file = <path>
    The path to the log file e.g. "D:\duplicati\log.txt".
  --log-level = Profiling | Information | Warning | Error
    Specifies the log level.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help delete

Usage: delete <storage-URL> [<options>]

  Marks old data deleted and removes outdated dlist files. A backup is deleted
  when it is older than <keep-time> or when there are more newer versions
  than <keep-versions>. Data is considered old, when it is not required from
  any existing backup anymore.

    Marks data outdated that is older than <time>.
    Marks data outdated that is older than <int> versions.
    Deletes all files that belong to the specified version(s).
    Disables the protection against removing the final fileset

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help dropbox

Dropbox (dropbox):
 This backend can read and write data to Dropbox. Supported format is
 Supported options:
  --authid (Password): The authorization code
    The authorization token retrieved from

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help encryption

Duplicati offers various options for the used compression and encryption

  --encryption-module = aes, gpg
    The encryption module that is used to encrypt backups. Default is aes.
  --compression-module = zip, 7z
    The compression module that is used. Default is zip.
  --enable-module = console-password-input, mssql-options, hyperv-options,
    http-options, sendhttp, sendmail, runscript, sendxmpp, check-mono-ssl
    Enable a built-in generic module that is not enabled by default
  --disable-module = console-password-input, mssql-options, hyperv-options,
    http-options, sendhttp, sendmail, runscript, sendxmpp, check-mono-ssl
    Disable a built-in generic module that is enabled by default
    Supply a passphrase that Duplicati will use to encrypt the backup volumes,
    making them unreadable without the passphrase. This variable can also be
    supplied through the environment variable PASSPHRASE.
  --no-encryption = false
    If you store the backups on a local disk, and prefer that they are kept
    unencrypted, you can turn of encryption completely by using this switch.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help example

Make an encrypted backup
  The following command will make an encrypted backup and store it on an FTP
  server. As no passphrase is specified, the user is prompted for a password.
  The upload speed is throttled to 500kB/s. Backups older than one month are
  considered old. Old backups are deleted automatically. The maximum file
  size is limited to 50MB (default).

  "Duplicati.CommandLine.exe" backup
  ftp://me:example.com@ftp.example.com/target "D:\source" --throttle=500kB

Search for files in a backup
  The backup can be searched for specific files. The following command returns
  all files "D:\source\file.txt" of the last backup. File names can also
  contain the wildcards * and ?.

  "Duplicati.CommandLine.exe" find ftp://me:example.com@ftp.example.com/target

Restore a specific file
  The following command will restore "D:\source\file.txt" from the backup in
  the latest version to its original destination and overwrite an existing

  "Duplicati.CommandLine.exe" restore
  ftp://me:example.com@ftp.example.com/target "D:\source\file.txt"

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help file

Duplicati can use the local file system to store backups. The following target
URL formats can be used:

  file://\\server\folder%20for%20backup (UNC path)
  "C:\folder for backup"
  file://c:\folder%20for%20backup (Windows)
  file:///usr/pub/folder%20for%20backup (Linux)

    The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_PASSWORD".
    The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_USERNAME".
    This option only works when the --alternate-target-paths option is also
    specified. If there are alternate paths specified, this option indicates
    the name of a marker file that must be present in the folder. This can be
    used to handle situations where an external drive changes drive letter or
    mount point. By ensuring that a certain file exists, it is possible to
    prevent writing data to an unwanted external drive. The contents of the
    file are never examined, only file existence.
    This option allows multiple targets to be specified. The primary target
    path is placed before the list of paths supplied with this option. Before
    starting the backup, each folder in the list is checked for existence and
    optionally the presence of the marker file supplied by
    --alternate-destination-marker. The first existing path that optionally
    contains the marker file is then used as the destination. Multiple
    destinations are separated with a ";". On Windows, the path may be a UNC
    path, and the drive letter may be substituted with an asterisk (*), eg.:
    "*:\backup", which will examine all drive letters. If a username and
    password is supplied, the same credentials are used for all destinations.
    When storing the file, the standard operation is to copy the file and
    delete the original. This sequence ensures that the operation can be
    retried if something goes wrong. Activating this option may cause the
    retry operation to fail.  This option has no effect unless the
    --disable-streaming-transfers options is activated.
    If this option is set, any existing authentication against the remote
    share is dropped before attempting to authenticate

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help filter

Duplicati can apply globbing and regex filter rules to backup and restore
specific files only. Globbing filters can be used in file names. To specify a
regex filter put the file name in [brackets].
  Globbing: *.txt
  Regex: [.*test\.txt]

Inside scripts and the commandline --parameters-file, where multiple filters
are supplied with a single option, filters must be prefixed with either a
plus (+) or a (-), for include and exclude respectively. Example:

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help find

Usage: find <storage-URL> ["<filename>"] [<options>]

  Finds specific files in specific backups. If <filename> is specified, all
  occurrences of <filename> in the backup are listed. <filename> can contain
  * and ? as wildcards. File names in [brackets] are interpreted as regular
  expression. Latest backup is searched by default. If entire path is
  specified, all available versions of the file are listed. If no <filename>
  is specified, a list of all available backups is shown.

    Shows what the files looked like at a specific time. Absolute and relative
    times can be specified.
    Shows what the files looked like in a specific backup. If no version is
    specified the latest backup (version=0) will be used. If nothing is
    found, older backups will be searched automatically.
    Reduces the list of files in a backup to those that match the provided
    string. This is applied before the search is executed.
    Removes matching files from the list of files in a backup. This is applied
    before the search is executed.
    Searches in all backup sets, instead of just searching the latest

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help ftp

Duplicati can use FTP servers to store backups. The following target URL
formats can be used:

  --ftp-passive = false
    If this flag is set, the FTP connection is made in passive mode, which
    works better with some firewalls. If the "ftp-regular" flag is also set,
    this flag is ignored
  --ftp-regular = true
    If this flag is set, the FTP connection is made in active mode. Even if
    the "ftp-passive" flag is also set, the connection will be made in active
    The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_PASSWORD".
    The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_USERNAME".
    Use this flag to communicate using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) over ftp
    To protect against network failures, every upload will be attempted
    verified. Use this option to disable this verification to make the upload
    faster but less reliable.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help gcs

Google Cloud Storage (gcs):
 This backend can read and write data to Google Cloud Storage. Supported
 format is "googlecloudstore://bucket/folder".
 Supported options:
  --gcs-location (String): Specifies location option for creating a bucket
    This option is only used when creating new buckets. Use this option to
    change what region the data is stored in. Charges vary with bucket
    location. Known bucket locations:
Europe: EU
    States: US
Asia: ASIA
Eastern Asia-Pacific: ASIA-EAST1
Central United
    States 1: US-CENTRAL1
Central United States 2: US-CENTRAL2
    United States 1: US-EAST1
Eastern United States 2: US-EAST2
    United States 3: US-EAST3
Western United States: US-WEST1
  --gcs-storage-class (String): Specifies storage class for creating a bucket
    This option is only used when creating new buckets. Use this option to
    change what storage type the bucket has. Charges and functionality vary
    with bucket storage class. Known storage classes:
United States: US
Asia: ASIA
Eastern Asia-Pacific:
Central United States 1: US-CENTRAL1
Central United States
    2: US-CENTRAL2
Eastern United States 1: US-EAST1
Eastern United States
    2: US-EAST2
Eastern United States 3: US-EAST3
Western United States:
  --authid (Password): The authorization code
    The authorization token retrieved from
  --gcs-project (String): Specifies project for creating a bucket
    This option is only used when creating new buckets. Use this option to
    supply the project ID that the bucket is attached to. The project
    determines where usage charges are applied

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help googledrive

Google Drive (googledrive):
 This backend can read and write data to Google Drive. Supported format is
 Supported options:
  --authid (Password): The authorization code
    The authorization token retrieved from

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help gpg

Duplicati is shipped with an interface to GNU Privacy Guard. It requires that
the gpg executable is available on the system. On Windows it is assumed that
this is in the default installation folder under program files, under Linux
and OSX it is assumed that the program is available via the PATH environment
variable. It is possible to supply the path to GPG using the
--gpg-program-path switch.

  --gpg-encryption-disable-armor = true
    The GPG encryption/decryption will use the --armor option for GPG to
    protect the files with armor. Specify this switch to remove the --armor
  --gpg-encryption-enable-armor = false
    Use this option to supply the --armor option to GPG. The files will be
    larger but can be sent as pure text files.
  --gpg-encryption-command = --symmetric
    Overrides the default GPG encryption command "--symmetric", normal usage
    is to request asymetric encryption with the setting --encrypt
  --gpg-decryption-command = --decrypt
    Overrides the GPG command supplied for decryption
    Use this switch to specify any extra options to GPG. You cannot specify
    the --passphrase-fd option here. The --encrypt option is always
    Use this switch to specify any extra options to GPG. You cannot specify
    the --passphrase-fd option here. The --decrypt option is always
    The path to the GNU Privacy Guard program. If not supplied, Duplicati will
    assume that the program "gpg" is available in the system path.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help http-options

Configure http requests (http-options):
 This module exposes a number of properties that can be used to change the way
 http requests are issued
 Module is loaded automatically, use --disable-module to prevent this
 Supported options:
  --disable-expect100-continue (Boolean): Disable the expect header
    The default HTTP request has the header "Expect: 100-Continue" attached,
    which allows some optimizations when authenticating, but also breaks some
    web servers, causing them to report "417 - Expectation failed"
    * default value: false
  --disable-nagling (Boolean): Disable nagling
    By default the http requests use the RFC 896 nagling algorithm to support
    transfer of small packages more efficiently.
    * default value: false
  --accept-specified-ssl-hash (String): Optionally accept a known SSL
    If your server certificate is reported as invalid (eg. with self-signed
    certificates), you can supply the certificate hash to approve it anyway.
    The hash value must be entered in hex format without spaces. You can
    enter multiple hashes separated by commas.
  --accept-any-ssl-certificate (Boolean): Accept any server certificate
    Use this option to accept any server certificate, regardless of what
    errors it may have. Please use --accept-specified-ssl-hash instead,
    whenever possible.
  --oauth-url (String): Alternate OAuth URL
    Duplicati uses an external server to support the OAuth authentication
    flow. If you have set up your own Duplicati OAuth server, you can supply
    the refresh url.
    * default value: https://duplicati-oauth-handler.appspot.com/refresh
  --allowed-ssl-versions (Flags): Sets allowed SSL versions
    This option changes the default SSL versions allowed. This is an advanced
    option and should only be used if you want to enhance security or work
    around an issue with a particular SSL protocol.
    * values: Ssl3, Tls, Tls11, Tls12, SystemDefault
    * default value: SystemDefault,Ssl3,Tls

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help hubic

HubiC (hubic):
 This backend can read and write data to HubiC. Supported format is
 Supported options:
  --authid (Password): The authorization code
    The authorization token retrieved from

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help hyperv-options

Configure Hyper-V module (hyperv-options):
 This module works internaly to parse source parameters to backup Hyper-V
 virtual machines
 Module is loaded automatically, use --disable-module to prevent this

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help jottacloud

Jottacloud (jottacloud):
 This backend can read and write data to Jottacloud using it's REST protocol.
 Allowed format is "jottacloud://folder/subfolder".
 Supported options:
  --auth-password (Password): Supplies the password used to connect to the
    The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_PASSWORD".
  --auth-username (String): Supplies the username used to connect to the
    The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_USERNAME".
  --jottacloud-device (String): Supplies the backup device to use
    The backup device to use. Will be created if not already exists. You can
    manage your devices from the backup panel in the Jottacloud web
    interface. When you specify a custom device you should also specify the
    mount point to use on this device with the "jottacloud-mountpoint"
  --jottacloud-mountpoint (String): Supplies the mount point to use on the
    The mount point to use on the server. The default is "Archive" for using
    the built-in archive mount point. Set this option to "Sync" to use the
    built-in synchronization mount point instead, or if you have specified a
    custom device with option "jottacloud-device" you are free to name the
    mount point as you like.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help list-broken-files

Usage: list-broken-files <storage-URL> [<options>]

  Checks the database for missing data that cause files not not be
  restoreable. Files can become unrestoreable if remote data files are defect
  or missing. Use the list-broken-files command to see what the
  purge-broken-files command will remove.

Usage: purge-broken-files <storage-URL> [<options>]

  Removes all files from the database and remote storage that are no longer
  restoreable. Use this operation with caution, and only if you cannot
  recover the missing remote files, but want to continue a backup. Even with
  missing remote files, it may be possible to restore parts of the files that
  will be removed with this command.

    Performs the operation, but does not write changes to the local database
    or the remote storage

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help logging

Duplicati provides information for debugging and logging purposes. By default,
all debugging and logging is turned off.

    Error messages are more verbose.
    If something needs to be retried (e.g. upload failed) this will cause an
    entry in the log file.
  --log-file = <path>
    The path to the log file e.g. "D:\duplicati\log.txt".
  --log-level = Profiling | Information | Warning | Error
    Specifies the log level.