Default option send-http-url is stuck

Hello there!
I am new to Duplicati, and am currently testing out functionality, before I set it on my actual precious data.

I had set up “global” email notification, but had made a mistake by first accidentally using send-http-url instead of send-mail-url.
When noticing the mistake, I removed the http and added the mail. email notification is now working.

However, the send-http-url seems still to be set somewhere in the background and now I get a warning on every single backup job.

LimitedWarnings: [
2025-01-31 08:25:36 +01 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Modules.Builtin.SendHttpMessage-HttpResponseError]: HTTP Response request failed for: WrongURL
NotSupportedException: The ‘WrongURL’ scheme is not supported.,
2025-01-31 08:25:36 +01 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Modules.Builtin.ReportHelper-ReportSubmitError]: Fehler beim Senden der Nachricht: System.NotSupportedException: The ‘WrongURL’ scheme is not supported.
NotSupportedException: The ‘WrongURL’ scheme is not supported.

The only thing that seems to work is adding the parameter again and changing it to something else, if I leave it empty or remove it from the list, it will be stuck on the last entry (here I had last set it to WrongURL").

How can I reset this parameter and where are these parameters actually stored?

Linked to that, but perhaps worth its own topic:
Notification warnings are not even shown on the job’s Log Data itself, but only on “Log data from the server”, meaning when I get a web interface “Warning while running Backup” and click on “show”, it leads me to the job’s Log Data with 0 warnings showing.

I am using a Windows 10 system.

Thank you!

There are two places where you can set that parameter.

  1. On the “Settings” page, scroll down, and see the “global” options.
    These options are applied to all backups, unless overridden by a backup configuration
  2. On the backup configuration, Step 5, “Advanced options”
    These options are applied to the backup, and will override the global options

Based on your description, I would guess that you have configured it originally on the Settings page, and you can “fix” it by adding an option on the backup configuration.

Hi Kenkendk,

thank you for your reply. This would be the obvious thing to do, which I already did.

As written in my original post, removing it or leaving it empty fails to take effect.
I can confirm that step 5 → advanced options → send-http-url on the actual backup job overwrites the global settings, if I create it there and enter a value, otherwise the global value, which has been removed, is still used.
And since there is no flag like send-http-disable or similar, this doesn’t change the fact I am forced to have a valid http notification set up (either globally or on each job), or I will get this warning.

So the question remains, where are these global parameters stored and how to I remove this send-http-url without completely removing duplicati from my system?

All the options are stored in the file Duplicati-server.sqlite on your system.

You can use a tool, such as SQLiteBrowser to edit the database. The table is called Option.

You can just delete the entry from there. But… I would be very interested in hearing how it can be in the table and not show up in the UI, as we should certainly fix that bug.

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Thank you again, I can confirm that removal of the global option also updates the database.
It seems though this change is not having an effect on the running service until restarting of the server. And with my environment and other tasks on the machine, I didn’t try to restart since all other changes to options worked “live”.

Also setting an empty (“”) job specific set-http-url seems to work to prevent such reports to be sent - but as well only after restarting the server.

So the only other nuisance is in case of such an error, the job’s Log Data show no message but success.

For the topic of this post, we can now consider this topic closed, thank you again! :slight_smile:

That is a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem:

  • The function that sends the report needs the report.
  • The report is generated before sending.
  • Sending fails, so the error is not in the report.

That sounds super weird. That option is no different than any of the other options.