Commandline Compare issues?

I did read though Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help compare a few times already - and did again after your post in case I was missing something, but it still didn’t help.

The suggestion to review what an exported commandline looks like, however DID give me what I needed - QUOTES!

The parameter is expected to be in quotes!

So I can now review what was done in the most recent backup with:
Duplicati.CommandLine compare "ssh://mySSH:MyPort/mnt/user/Test?auth-username=<me>&auth-password=<myPass>&ssh-fingerprint=<myFinger>"

Similarly, using the “Restore” UI to get a list of existing versions I can compare the most recent (0) to a backup from 7 days ago by adding the 3rd & 4th parameters:
Duplicati.CommandLine compare "ssh://mySSH:MyPort/mnt/user/Test?auth-username=<me>&auth-password=<myPass>&ssh-fingerprint=<myFinger>" 0 7

Similarly, using the “Restore” UI to get a list of existing versions I can compare the most recent (0) to a backup from 7 days ago by adding the 3rd & 4th parameters:
Duplicati.CommandLine compare "ssh://mySSH:MyPort/mnt/user/Test?auth-username=<me>&auth-password=<myPass>&ssh-fingerprint=<myFinger>" 0 7

And adding --verbose gets me the full listing instead of just a summary.

Oddly, I can’t seem to use the local database by referencing my local .sqlite (dbpath) file - are only remote folder based listings supported?

Equally oddly, I still can’t seem to get it to run from the Commandline UI.