Changing source OS

A related question is are you saving what you change so that another try is possible?
For example, do you have the old dlist and the old database (and everything else)?
If things have been permanently destroyed, then that limits the options going forward.

From one point of view they were fine before changes, and could have been restored.
Restoring to non-Windows would have made you specify a new restore folder though,
because paths are different. File attributes are also very different from Windows ones.
How did you wind up putting prior Windows files on the NAS? Did timestamps persist?

To clarify terminology, a fileset is a backup version, and should correspond to a dlist file.
Do you mean you had many backups but you don’t know how many versions each had?
What’s the state of the Windows system? Don’t have two systems on same Destination.

Is not uploading all previous file data again sufficient? That’s the easiest part to achieve,
provided you don’t mind losing ability to restore old versions. These steps were itemized,
then dlist editing was briefly mentioned. It’s needed only if you want to continue backups.
If you wish to do that, then you also get to try to migrate old configs (steps not described).

There’s a lot in current post version that I find hard to follow. Consider reviewing and edit.

There’s probably no way to have an ideal totally transparent migrate-and-continue because
systems are too different. Partial things you can get were listed. How much will be enough?
The more you want, the harder and less certain it gets. Major surgery is difficult and is risky.