Ah, okay. I think both .sqlite files are adjacent to each other. I now have 3 backups, and these are the sizes of their data .sqlite files:
150 GB backup => just over 1 GB
150 GB backup, 2nd copy => just over 1 GB (though, oddly, slightly different in size, even though they have the exact same data and setup)
61 GB backup => 268 MB
So for my data size, it seems the ratio is between ~0.44-0.67% for these data files. Yeah, that’s big enough that I would not want it to constantly recreate it.
Most quite excellent! Can you explain why this worked for me in PowerShell to find files, but specifying the actual file path of the backup did not?
C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2> .\Duplicati.CommandLine.exe find file://dummy “file name” --dbpath=“<path to .sqlite file>”
Looks fine to me, though I don’t have a lot of spare time to read everything just yet.
That would be excellent. I do know of PDF converters out there, so there probably exists something for this use case. Ideally this HTML version would eventually have a comment section, like with PHP and some MSDN documentation, or at least a feedback button that provides the URL/page. This would be your best means of reasonably provided feedback, and I would likely end up being a major contributor towards that.
I do strongly request that the ability to use my external hard drive’s backup on any computer be implemented, if not already, and if it is, that this be documented.
Thanks for all the help/info!