Brownout woes - version being updated to already exists

I followed your advice to reboot after setting a new location for the temp folder.

I started restore and within twelve hours files were being restored to their original locations. That was Friday night UTC.

BY 09:15 on Saturday morning over 50% of the files had been restored, but there has been no progress since. Server State shows:

lastPgEvent : {“BackupID”:“23f006db-2297-40f1-9afe-2392cfbc070c”,“TaskID”:13,“BackendAction”:“Get”,“BackendPath”:“”,“BackendFileSize”:52366573,“BackendFileProgress”:52166656,“BackendSpeed”:601,“BackendIsBlocking”:false,“CurrentFilename”:null,“CurrentFilesize”:0,“CurrentFileoffset”:0,“CurrentFilecomplete”:true,“Phase”:“Restore_DownloadingRemoteFiles”,“OverallProgress”:0,“ProcessedFileCount”:17488,“ProcessedFileSize”:287016571076,“TotalFileCount”:30462,“TotalFileSize”:866835860388,“StillCounting”:false

and has not changed since Saturday morning.

Running task: Restoring: 12974 files (540.00 GB) to go at 594 bytes

The backup files are on

Please advise to continue without jeopardising the existing recovered files.

Many thanks
