Backup - Detected non-empty blocksets with no associated blocks!

Good Work! Thanks!

I’m adding your post to the list in this post

Did you do the next step–taking these IDs you and looking them up in the File table in its BlocksetId column? I see that like others, your IDs are close together numerically. Look at neighboring IDs. It would be nice to see if they are indeed chrome temp files.

I am guessing from your results you did not run prived, and also did not use --snapshot-policy=on. Is that correct?

On your repair, did you run it via the cmd line or the GUI? In either case can you check the Duplicati working dir for its .sqlite files? When I ran the cmd line, the repair worked, and it created a new .sqlite file, but the job was still using the old db file in that dir. The db file is listed in the job settings, if you expand out the drop-down under the job name, under “Advanced” there’s “Database…”. The folder on windows is C:\users\username\appdata\local\duplicati\ when running trayIcon, and C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Duplicati when running as a service.