AutoUpdater.exe verify: missing files

I sucessfully installed the version in my system, running the ‘verify’ option in the AutoUpdater I got the following:

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>Duplicati.Library.AutoUpdater.exe verify
Error detected: System.Exception: Folder C:\ProgramData\Duplicati\updates\\ is missing webroot\ and 321 other file(s)
   at Duplicati.Library.AutoUpdater.UpdaterManager.VerifyUnpackedFolder(String folder, UpdateInfo version)
Error detected: System.Exception: Folder C:\ProgramData\Duplicati\updates\\ is missing webroot\ and 321 other file(s)
   at Duplicati.Library.AutoUpdater.UpdaterManager.VerifyUnpackedFolder(String folder, UpdateInfo version)
Error detected: System.Exception: Folder C:\ProgramData\Duplicati\updates\\ is missing webroot\ and 321 other file(s)
   at Duplicati.Library.AutoUpdater.UpdaterManager.VerifyUnpackedFolder(String folder, UpdateInfo version)
 - ( *** Modified ***
 * ( *** Modified ***
 - ( *** Modified ***

I checked the indicated folders and found them there:

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>dir C:\ProgramData\Duplicati\updates\\webroot
 Volume in drive C is OS
 Volume Serial Number is 7475-FC32

 Directory of C:\ProgramData\Duplicati\updates\\webroot

20/10/2017  14:18    <DIR>          .
20/10/2017  14:18    <DIR>          ..
20/10/2017  14:18    <DIR>          customized
20/10/2017  14:18             1.150 favicon.ico
20/10/2017  14:18    <DIR>          img
20/10/2017  14:18             1.721 index.html
20/10/2017  14:18    <DIR>          login
20/10/2017  14:18             1.189 login.html
20/10/2017  14:18    <DIR>          ngax
20/10/2017  14:18    <DIR>          oem
20/10/2017  14:18    <DIR>          package
20/10/2017  14:18             2.693 theme.html

There is any action I should / can take to correct this ?

I think this is caused by an optimization where the webroot folder is only checked for the server/tray-icon, as the others do not need it (and scanning it takes a long time).

I will investigate.

I found the problem, and fixed it in the source code. It will be in the next release.

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