Another backup failed due to error Cannot find file

500 TB

That’s TB, not GB? If TB, this is probably not an ordinary computer. How long does the backup take?

Whoops, you’re right, GB. Mostly movies & photos of the kids. I do not know how long the backup takes since it never finished yet. The old backup grew throughout the years.

At what time of the backup does error occur? I’m guessing near ending, but I’ve never seen the issue.

Actually the opposite, quite early after the start. Say 10 minutes or so.

From the temporary file path, I’d guess this is some sort of Windows OS. Is antivirus delete possible?

Yes, Windows 10. I’m running BitDefender but I’ve never had this problem before. I’ll try again with BitDefender disabled.

Some systems delete based on file age, but I think Linux is more likely, and I don’t know backup time.

So OS is Windows and the error occurs quite early after the start of the backup.

What Duplicati version (visible at top of About → Changelog)?

The latest, freshly installed: duplicati-

Do you have other jobs that are working OK? If so, what’s different that might be related to the issue?

No, I don’t have other jobs.

Please look in some successful jobs for this backup to see what "RetryAttempts" typically is finding. Assuming you’re on, this level of logging might require looking in Complete log in the job log.

highly reproducable

Perhaps you could get a special log of it with Advanced options –log-file and –log-file-log-level=retry. Nobody’s ever shown anything except the ending, and sometimes a poor end is from earlier problems.

I’ll see if I can get more logging.

There’s one report that sounds like they set this to 1 in Advanced options, and it solved the problem:

–asynchronous-concurrent-upload-limit = 4

When performing asynchronous uploads, the maximum number of concurrent

uploads allowed. Set to zero to disable the limit.

I’ll give it a try.

Thanks for the tips!

Best regards,
