Alibaba Cloud Object Storage (OSS) with S3 Compatible throw Error?阿里云对象存储报错

I believe that the error message means that Alibaba does not support MultiChunkedEncoding, but we try to use it.

UseChunkEncoding is set to true by default in AWS PutObjectRequest. I am not sure about the Minio client, it might be similar to the Amazon behavior, but from what I can tell it does not have this configuration option. Maybe just setting it to false will work, but that would need to be an extra option.

Did you try Minio SDK in the S3 options?

If you can compile the C#, you can also try to modify S3AwsClient.cs (line 136) and use AWS SDK:

public virtual async Task AddFileStreamAsync(string bucketName, string keyName, System.IO.Stream source,
            CancellationToken cancelToken)
            var objectAddRequest = new PutObjectRequest
                BucketName = bucketName,
                Key = keyName,
                InputStream = source,
// Add this:
                UseChunkEncoding = false
// ------------
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_storageClass))
                objectAddRequest.StorageClass = new S3StorageClass(m_storageClass);