Access to the path 'C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2\true' is denied

Does that refer to the Access to the path ‘C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2\true’ is denied.? Originally I was thinking it might have been an accidental reference due to export/import. The true path shouldn’t be there at all though. If you actually have one, I guess you can look at times and permissions closely to see how it differs from its neighbors and take a guess as to how it got there. Another question would be why backup is trying to back it up, but maybe you’re backing your C:\ drive, and it descended? Commandline Commandline arguments box is a good way to see if somehow it has a direct reference.

If true exists, and seems like it doesn’t belong, you can probably delete it. Or if its security permissions somehow lack SYSTEM, I think that can stop even SYSTEM (default Duplicati-as-service user) access.

Out-of-the-box, Duplicati runs as the logging in user at login, so can backup the user but not other users.

As a tech-note on Duplicati processes, they typically start in pairs where the first one is there to start the right update (generally the latest) while not itself being updated. This is design intent behind self-updates:

Updating via web interface vs installing .deb package

however it’s a bit buggy in terms of working as automagically as the UI says. System restart should work. Your process would be more easily examined in Process Explorer for start time, though Task Manager is enough to figure out the user. From your screenshot, Duplicati.Server.exe maybe has two predecessors:

[SOLVED] Is it ok that I see 5 processes of Duplicati in Windows Task manager?

I can’t explain the “nothing” side, but the “all of them” might be the link above plus my earlier commentary. Your service normally starts at boot as SYSTEM, however if the system is starting too much it can hit the 30 second timeout that Windows puts on a service start. Some people work around this by changing the service to do a delayed start. Windows Service fails to start #2717 is my analysis. Problem appears rare. Duplicati.GUI.TrayIcon.exe should start as a pair when you login, and should happen even if service failed.

Seeing in your screenshot means you somehow got to running canary which is sometimes more stable than beta (due to fixes) and sometimes less (due to new bugs). If you reinstall, I suggest an uninstall first (instead of an install-on-top which sometimes has missing files for me for unknown reason).