update issue: broken file and no more backup

Alternatively, do the purge-broken-files again and see if the PC now stops refusing to create the files.


For safety, do as the message says, and list-broken-files first, however this sounds enough like your
previous result that it might try the same purge. Just saying an accidental big purge is bad in general.

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Well, I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that since I’ve added to my “allowed apps” list, the pCloud backup works again without error! I can’t believe y’all allowed me to pinpoint the problem despite my being so… obtuse. You have my admirative thanks.

The bad news is that my TrueCrypt backup is still f*ed up, most probablty because I tried to recreate the database, then did what the system told me to do, which was to list-broken-files and purge-broken-files. It’s all broken now. :o(

This error might be caused by a bug in compact which produces incorrect index files, which go undetected until a recreate is needed. In that case, #5068 might fix your backup data after a recreate.

Another step-by-step set of instructions that my weakened brain was unable to follow. :o/

That still doesn’t explain why it failed in the first place.

Apparently, simply because I didn’t authorize the app to make changes, in Windows. -_-"

Although you’ve marked this as solved, we can work on the backup if you wish and can describe further. Simply extending an offer to help as you’d like. What direction you choose to go in is clearly your choice.

The next major release of Duplicati will simplify things, with updates being installed in the original location. Seemingly, you whitelisted current out-of-the-way update once, then didn’t when the new update came in.

That’s great to hear. Thanks for reporting.

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Although you’ve marked this as solved, we can work on the backup if you wish and can describe further. Simply extending an offer to help as you’d like. What direction you choose to go in is clearly your choice.

I fear we’ll quickly hit the wall of my reduced cognitive abilities… again. Which will frustrate you. It certainly frustrates me to no longer understand what would have once been simple and clear.

Currently, the TrueCrypt backup fails immediately, with this message: The database was attempted repaired, but the repair did not complete. This database may be incomplete and the backup process cannot continue. You may delete the local database and attempt to repair it again.

The next major release of Duplicati will simplify things, with updates being installed in the original location. Seemingly, you whitelisted current out-of-the-way update once, then didn’t when the new update came in.

Yes. I do things, then forget I did them. My memory has suffered with the rest of my cognitive abilities.

Hearing that, this is going to sound strange, but it looks like the way to proceed is in original post:

although possibly you can skip the recreate and just go for list-broken-files and purge-broken files.

and original post shows it being mysteriously blocked by Windows, but now we think that’s solved.

Can you try again and see if the Uploading (those are the file writes seemingly blocked) work now?

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What do you know? IT DOES! And I can backup again. THANK YOU AGAIN for your time, insight, and patience.