server appears to be broken on Synology

Thank you! - this nearly solved it for me - but only nearly, but lead me the way.
I followed your workaround through multiple times but after point 9 it never worked.

This solved it for me in the end:

  1. Access DSM via IP: and start/open Duplicati (it did work that way! Beforehand I only tried by hostname or DNS name…)
  2. Click on Settings, and enter your Synology’s DNS name, e.g. tower.my.domain in the Hostnames field, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click OK.
    (my Synology’s DNS name wasn’t there - besides adding it in step 6… (?!))
  3. Stop the package from the Package Center
  4. Check for and kill any server process still running, per Step 2 above.
  5. Start the package from the Package Center.

Works ever since (besides some other issues: Missing XSRF token AND Cannot restore files from directories containing space in name · Issue #2837 · duplicati/duplicati · GitHub ) - and I’m also on …