server appears to be broken on Synology

So to summarize, for anyone else suffering the same problem, this appears to be an incompatibility between the Synology integration and the upgraded security introduced in Until it gets fixed officially, this workaround worked for me, and should get you back up and running:

  1. Stop the Duplicati package from the Synology Package Center.
  2. Check for any server process still running, and kill it, eg:
    root@Tower:/var/packages/Duplicati/target# ps -ef |grep mono root 18002 1 10 Dec24 ? 01:43:25 /volume1/@appstore/Mono/usr/local/bin/mono-sgen /volume1/@appstore/Duplicati/Duplicati.Server.exe root@Tower:/var/packages/Duplicati/target# kill 18002
  3. SSH to the NAS, log in as root, and cd to the installation directory:
    cd /var/packages/Duplicati/target
  4. Start the server from the command line, listening on all interfaces:
    mono /volume1/@appstore/Duplicati/Duplicati.Server.exe --webservice-interface=*
  5. Access the server directly, using the IP address of the NAS, e.g.
  6. Click on Settings, and enter your Synology’s DNS name, e.g. tower.my.domain in the Hostnames field, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click OK.
  7. Kill the server process with Ctrl-C.
  8. Check for and kill any server process still running, per Step 2 above.
  9. Start the package from the Package Center.

That’s what worked for me. No guarantees, but it should get you up and running.