on Mac: Missing certificates

Makes sense. Each delimiter ; will start a new command without sudo applied.
Alternatively you can also change user with sudo su, which I usually do when I want to make sure it runs everything under root.

Sounds like maybe my issue too, however the fixes seem to go over my head.
Is it possible for a non technical Mac user to resolve the missing SSL cert issue?
I did get Duplicati - working to backup files to Amazon drive, but somewhere along the way, maybe during the OS upgrade to 10.14.3 I started getting the SSL warnings. Any help is greatly appreciated.

This fix doesnā€™t work for meā€¦ it shows 135 certificates trusted, yet Duplicati still throws errorā€¦ running duplicati as a non administrative user but installed certificates as root

Hi @esaldana and @Jeremy_Larose, welcome to the forum!

Not that I know of - but Iā€™m not a Mac expert.

By default sudo runs as root. To install the certificates for a different user try the above command but start it with sudo -u [my-non-admin-user] -i

Thanks, yes, its profile specific, so to deploy it to unknown users, a LaunchAgent would have to be used

Ah, I get it now.

You could use a run-script-before to do itā€¦

Yes, if you run as a LaunchDaemon you are running as user root with home dir /var/root and the certs are installed by cert-sync in ~/.config/.mono

Running this on every job launch is overdoing it. The smoothest way forward would be to have /Applications/Duplicati.app/Contents/MacOS/duplicati-server do this on launch when needed, but that is of course a side effect (from Duplicati on mono) so a bad programming style, unless it becomes a Duplicati flag (ā€“update-mono-certs={atlaunch,eachjob,whenneeded}, the latter reacting to the warning from Mono).

The cleanest/simplest option would probably be to offer a cert-update script and have that run as a regular job (monthly) via /etc/periodic

New Duplicati user here, tried to run my very first job and ran headlong into this certificates issue.

Iā€™ve been a Mac user since the absolute beginning, but am not that great with the *nix stuff. Can anyone possibly help me out with exactly what to stick into terminal (Sierrra/High Sierra) that will get whatever is apparently missing?

Any chance someone can help me understand what this is about and what Iā€™m supposed to do to address it? Duplicati has not yet been able to run and Iā€™d really like to get it started.

Cert errors on Mac Catalina has an official solution, after some other attempts that didnā€™t do the job, however might be worth looking at if the solution there doesnā€™t work. I hope a Mac user can help if it becomes a Mac question ā€“ I donā€™t have one.