Having trouble listing remote files

What you’ve got is a list of versions (backup runs that included file changes).

When you say you’re trying to “list remote files” do you mean the archive files in your destination or the CONTENTS of those archive files (in other words, what’s been backed up)?

If it’s the list of backed up files you’re looking to get, then have you checked out the help associated with find that can be seen in Display Duplicati beta command line help - #3 by JonMikelV?

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help find

Usage: find <storage-URL> ["<filename>"] [<options>]

  Finds specific files in specific backups. If <filename> is specified, all
  occurrences of <filename> in the backup are listed. <filename> can contain
  * and ? as wildcards. File names in [brackets] are interpreted as regular
  expression. Latest backup is searched by default. If entire path is
  specified, all available versions of the file are listed. If no <filename>
  is specified, a list of all available backups is shown.

    Shows what the files looked like at a specific time. Absolute and relative
    times can be specified.
    Shows what the files looked like in a specific backup. If no version is
    specified the latest backup (version=0) will be used. If nothing is
    found, older backups will be searched automatically.
    Reduces the list of files in a backup to those that match the provided
    string. This is applied before the search is executed.
    Removes matching files from the list of files in a backup. This is applied
    before the search is executed.
    Searches in all backup sets, instead of just searching the latest